Ginanjar Masyhur
According to The Constitution for Teachers and Lecturers
article 1 point (1) “Teacher is a professional educator...”. It is important
for teachers to be professional while doing their job. The need of professional
teachers is rising because this country needs competent teachers to teach
students on how to become creative and competent students. The need of
professionality is none other than to create the best way possible on how to
teach and educate students into their full potentials. As quoted from a Journal
by Sutarmanto (2009:20), “Teacher professionalism needs to improve based on the
improvements of science, technology, and community needs, that includes the
needs of high quality human resources, and have the capability to compete
inside regional, national, or even international forums.”. Knowing this,
teachers must also derived from high quality human resources to also compete
with the improvement of the world. For instance a teacher must understand the
development of technologies around them. A teacher must use proper ways to
teach, that includes the use of technologies in teaching, and maximize the
effort to make the subject more understandable to the students.
According to Gaffar in his Journal titled “Mimbar
Pendidikan” (1998:4), it is stated that “... teachers holds a strategic role
especially in creating the characteristics of the nation through improvements
of personality and desired values,” The need of changes in students’ behavior
and personality to build better characteristics of a nation is very important.
Teachers’ role is actually to shape students to become more aware of the world,
and can compete in 21st century. To create the better generation that can bring
the nation pride and be the leaders of future generations to come. And to do that, teachers need to be professionalized by a
professionalization program, according to Caplow in Peter Javis (1983:21), “...
the activity (Teacher Professionalization) is followed by improvements of
training facilities, qualifications, and profession requirements,”. With that
in mind, teacher professionalization aims the best to qualify the participants
and filter them to be enrolled in the professional world of teaching.
Teaching can be a difficult challenge for a professional
teacher, even though they are trained to adapt in any situation regardless of
where they are teaching. According to the theory of teaching and training,
there are two determining factors that affects the education itself: software
and hardware. Software here means curriculum, education and training
organisation, rules, teaching methods, or the teachers themselves; meanwhile
the Hardware here includes facilities, like the building, library,
laboratorium, etc. This is according to Sugiarta (2012:355). So even though the
teachers themselves is a skilled educators, or in this case professional
educators, they are still facing the same challenge as everyone, the two
factors mentioned above. Because if they want to be called professional, they
must have access to those facilities. If the facilities or one of the two
factors above is not supportive enough, the teaching process can be disrupted,
and can’t reach the goal of the teachers themselves.
So in conclusion, a teacher must be professional in
doing their job in shaping the students into leaders of the next generation to
come, and to achieve that, the professionalization program is executed in order
to create the best teacher possible. But also there are some factors that can
affect teaching methods of a teacher. For instance facilities, an effective
teaching can not be executed if the facilities is not supportive.
RI No. 14 tahun 2005 tentang Guru dan Dosen
Kompetensi dan Profesionalisme Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Jurnal
Visi Ilmu Pendidikan, 2009, hal. 20
F.G., “Menghargai Pengabdian Para Guru”. Dalam Mimbar Pendidikan, Jurnal
Pendidikan (3, XVII), 1998
Rudy Prihantoro, Sertifikasi sebagai Sarana Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru
dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan, APEKTINDO, 2010, hal. 181
“Pengaruh Sikap Guru terhadap Pekerjaan dan Pengalaman Pendidikan dan
Pelatihan terhadap Kompetensi Profesional Guru Olahraga SMPN se-Kabupaten
Jepara”, JMP, 2012, Volume 1 Nomor 3, hal.355
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